Cost of 747 Airplane

Costs for 747 aircraft

Inflation-adjusted, the same 747 would sell today for more than $149 million, less than half the actual list price of a new 747-8 passenger jet offered for $378.5 million or the freighter version for $379.1 million. Because of the enormous costs of developing the 747 and building the Everett factory, Boeing had to take out substantial loans from a consortium of banks. A single new main tyre would probably have a list price in the $3000 to $5000 range, depending on the 747 model, make and seller.

Inflation-adjusted, the same 747 would sell today for more than $149 million, less than half the actual list price of a new 747-8 passenger jet offered for $378.5 million or the freighter version for $379.1 million.

How much does the Boeing 747 Model 400 cost?

It is unlikely that the real cost of an motor will be published in public. Nevertheless, listed pricing will be announced and other resources may help to give an indication of the margin for such motors. 747-400 has three motor options: Those power units will also be used on other aircrafts, which will help with pricing.

CF6 is priced at approximately $11 million (from an A330 order in 2009, higher push release; $12.2 million in 2015, $1 million). PW4056 power plant has a cost of 5.8 million dollars (from a 1994 review; 9.3 million dollars in 2015 USD). A 747-400 had a listed cost of about 240 million dollars, which means that 4 aircraft power plants at a listed cost of 10 million dollars each would account for about 17% of the cost of the aircraft.

How much is the 747 airplane tyre?

Although I do not have the actual pricelist in front of me, I can give you a general impression. Listing prices for a new individual major tyre would probably be in the $3,000 to $5,000 region, according to the 747 tyre make and vendor used. Finding one may be hard because tyre makers do not manufacture many additional commercially available pneumatic tyres on request and do not resell to retailers.

Large carriers usually conclude tyre purchase agreements, often involving re-treading work. Tyre producers manufacture tyres on the basis of forecast demands for the airline companies they commission, as well as anticipated demands from aircraft producers and some other clients. And as you can see, within these agreements the airline companies are paying a much lower rate per tyre.

Some years ago, I met a senior manager of an air carrier at a fair. He hadn' t got a tyre deal and was desperately looking for tyres for his Boeing 777. Well, we were able to find some tyres and notify him. Complaining about the high prices, he still buys them.

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