Distance fare Calculator

mileage price calculator

From now on the distance price calculator is available online on the ÖPNV-Portal! With the fare calculator, you can calculate your fare for each trip with the distance-based MyCiTi fare system. Ticket prices are distance dependent (i.e. no number of bus stops or train stations).

With our Opal tariff calculator you can find out if you are better or worse. Opaltariffs are based on the distance covered, with a fixed price for certain distance ranges.

fares calculator

The fare calculator can administer the fare between distance points A and B. For example, if a passenger wants to go from one point to another, he needs a fare for his trips, this plug-in is useful and also reacts to it, and enters the fare and fare to compute the stored fare after saving the fare information.

Load the complete fare calculator file into the file /wp-content/plugins/. You can also view the plug-in homepage for essential use. "Fare calculator" is open resource to you. Following persons have added to this plug-in.

Find your fare calculator Opal: What will your journey take?

Get your prices for opals. NSW officials have modified the opaltariffs and our calculator is outdated. In the meantime, as we work to get it back, you can use the NSW shipping calculator or find your fare below. Opaltariffs are calculated on the distance covered, with a fixed rate for certain distances.

Tariffs for different types of services work differently. Use this calculator or find your fare in the following chart. 3.21 km will be added to the journey if your rail goes through Wynyard, Kings Cross or Central Station. It is not always the case that your railways use the quickest available routes to determine your distance. You''ll get a $2 discount ($1 for franchise tickets) if you change to another means of transportation within an hours drive.

All journeys made by the same means of transportation within one hours of each other shall be considered as one journey. If you play your maps correctly, you can collect reward points by recharging your Grand Prix map.

Tariffs for DART- and Short Hop Zone

The DART and short-hop zones cover all railway terminals in the Dublin area from Kilcoole to Balbriggan, from Dublin City Center to Kilcock and from Dublin Heuston to Sallins and Naas with all DARTs. Saves up to 24 per cent on individual fares in the Singapore Hot Hope Area with a Jump Smart Card.

Travelling on a regular basis, you should consider a tax saving pass and reduce your rail fare by up to 52 per cent. At the bottom of the drop-down menu items, choose a start and end location and choose Go to see the Short Hop Zone tariffs. In our section Ticketing Information you will find an overview of the available ticketing types.

Those tariffs shall be applicable from 1 December 2017. LUAS tickets are not available in the rates listed below. Tariffs for schoolchildren and Scholars Smart Cards are limited by times and dates and are only available on smart cards. To request a smart Card, please contact our information area for schoolchildren or Scholars tickets.

Whether you're traveling to work or school every night, or just want to go on a full days out with your host familiy, we have the right fare for you. Those cards provide unrestricted rides within the Kurz Hops area ( see above card ) for the indicated duration.

Those tariffs shall apply from 1 December 2017. For these rates, a Students Leap Card is necessary, more information can be found in our-Students area. A CIE-ID is needed for these passes, see our pass information section for more information.

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