Max Taxi Prices
Maximum taxi prices$8.75 for every fifteen (15) minute or so thereafter, or a split thereof. Groups or carpooling: On arrival of each person at the final point, the price due shall be payable by the passengers who leave the driver's cabin. Extra airport charge or charge: If available, the same amount will be invoiced as what was used.
Visit our Creative Services page and select any application that offers a Creative Services for a Circular Taxi to get a quote for your trip. Type in your pick-up and drop-off locations to see how much the trip is likely to be.
Luxor TAXI prices - Luxor Forum
For all TAXI tariffs you should deal firmly with what you want to afford - you will accept if you leave enough time. Every ticket is for the vehicle and not per passenger. Tariff TAXI from international airports to Sonesta or Isis Hotels - E50- max. Tariff TAXI from Sonesta Hotel to Luxor Temple E5 -10max.
Try to abstain from Kalesh horses and wagons as they seem to alter the cost on the track. The Nile crossings are at a flat rate of E2 or E4 for a round trip trip by means of a locally operated Luxor Temple Island excursion boat. Do not use tugs with small vessels and "special prices". Except for Valley of the Cings and Valley of the Queens, most attractions must be bought at the Western Shore Ticketing Office at the fly-blown intersection to all attractions:
Tariff TAXI from Westufer embarkation point to E5 -10max cash desk. Go from the cash register to the Kapshepsuit cross-country trail less than a mile of rolling and interesting sands. AXI to the Valley of the Magi from the Westbank from E20 max. jetty. The TAXI boys will try to register you for multi-trip offers or round trip travel.
Thousands of cabs are swimming around and they will be crying to get your ticket rate if you are standing firmly on the ticket.