Multiple International Flight Booking

Several international flight bookings

You can also book international flights with Discovery Miles! International Discount Vitality Flyers Information Being a Discovery Vitality member means being in good health, and the better you are, the more you save on your travelling expenses. You' ll enjoy huge cost reductions on British Airways, Emirates and Qantas international services. There are two reduced international fares available per year for travelling in Business Less.

With Discovery Miles you can also make international bookings! Discovery Visa cards, Discovery Miles or a mixture of both can be used for payment. Find out more about how to redeem your Discovery Miles. There is a charge for each booked tickets and both adult and child are billed seperately.

Reservations must be made at least six week in advanced to achieve up to 35% savings on international flight time. However, the limitation is up to two international savings flight for each member of Vitality Member per year. For international flight reservations within six week before your flight date, you will receive a flat-rate 10% reduction.

In case of a booking within six week before the start of the journey no use will be subtracted. This 10% rebate may also be applicable to reservations that do not retain the member's international flight advantage. When a Discovery Vitality member chooses to make an off-line booking with the British Airways Special Projects Staff, this must be done 48 hrs in advance of travel and a charge will be made for services over and above the Discovery booking charge.

For more information about Discovery Vitality, please refer to the Discovery website. NL International flight information: Verify the expiration date of your travel document and all your travel destination, including stopovers. There are many jurisdictions where your pass must be legally binding during and after your period of residence, so make sure you know what you' re covered for.

Ensure that you have the correct documentation for your journey. It must be issued for 6 month from your date of departure and must contain at least 3 empty pages. Ensure that your name detail matches exactly the one on your pass when you make a booking. In case they do not agree, please do not proceed with the booking.

Please call the Vitality Call Center at 0860 99 88 77 to make an off-line booking. Please call the Special Projects Center at 011 921 0490 at least 24 hrs prior to your flight time. Please note: Different country government is obliged to gather passenger information before travelling. Your information can be submitted on-line under'Manage my booking' or at check-in at the airports.

Supplementary information for USA travel: There is a charge for excess weight luggage. On Comair' s domestic operations, no guns, sport guns included, are permitted. Please call the Contact Center for Specific Projects at 012 921 0490 before traveling to let us know if you need specific help with the following questions:

If you are traveling with your own chair, please have information on height and weights ready at the time of booking. Discover Vitality (Pty) Ltd is an authorized finance service company.

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