Taxi Transport
cab transportationTaxis | Medical Transport Service | Courier Service | A&D Transport Services
Do you need transport? Taxis - 24 hrs a day, 365 a year! Many of our customers find our taxi services the cheapest way to their daily check-ups and other services, such as collecting their prescription from the chemist. Give us a call today - we'll take you wherever you want to go in our tidy, late-modern taxi cabins.
As soon as you become part of our customer loyalty line, you will want to use our expert chauffeurs for all your transport needs! Whether you are at the airports for a pleasant holiday, for a corporate holiday or for medicinal purposes - we are the professionals.
When you need a drive home from the airports - we are the business you can call. Kurierdienste - sometimes you don't need to come with us - just remain in your own house and we'll do all the work. Non-urgent transport - there is a large discrepancy between emergency medicine and regular taxiing.
To fill this gap, we have qualified specialists who take pride in their ability to meet your transport needs with due regard and consideration. At A&D Transport Services, we are a leading provider of unemergency transport services. Our transport vehicle network includes a large range of ambulances that serve the New York metropolitan area and the southern plain. Our transport services are available for all large residential institutions, hospital and residential accommodation in the following districts:
Transport of wheelchairs - ADA-approved delivery trucks, motorised elevators, wheelchair loading platforms - powerful, skilled personnel. In many of our staff's trainings and purchasing activities, we concentrate on looking after our customers who need wheelchairs. Our services can satisfy most transport needs of businessmen, companies, non-profit organizations, governments, church authorities, clinics, health care institutions, wheelchair users and patient in the fields of hemodialysis, radiotherapy, I. V. and IV treatment.
Elderly - many of our customers are older persons who describe us as particularly secure. There is no need to tell you why you are not going to or from your health centre yourself. All of our customers are admired for being modest in their commitment. Far too many humans are on the way, if they should not be - their ears are gone, their visions become ill - they are feeling vertiginous and weary.
Wheelchair patient - try out our delivery trucks with motorised elevators - we are the locals expert in wheelchair transport for your family. From your point of departure, our staff can bring your beloved ones to our special fitted transport vehicles. When your lover is in a painful state and worries about the move, we will help him or her to unwind so that he or she can rely on our expert transporters.
One of the most important issues for our phone calls is to help those who need help with staircases. We' ll be treating your sweetheart with velvet mitts. As we know, many of our clients are annihilated and feeling vertiginous after their surgery. A&D Transport Services has not yet halted a staircase or staircase.
Whether you are on your way to receiving treatment or on your way home from treatment, we are here for you. We have performed all kinds of operations for our customers - cosmetic surgeries, carcinoma and hip and joint replacement - we have done everything.
After your surgical intervention we are your contact for transport of your medicine. Driving to your rehabilitation centre after the procedure - many of our customers are looking for a safer way to get home from rehabilitation centres after cardiac operations, artificial knees, hips, etc. Our staff is a friendly and knowledgeable staff of friendly individuals who want to give you the treatment that we would give to our own members of the immediate families.
In some cases, Medicare only pays for our transport for your treatment when your healthcare provider dictates it because other means of transport are not physically feasible. Ask your healthcare professional if he will be prescribing a non-urgent transport medication. Missing transport facilities can be a serious problem for middle haemodialysis patients.
Among our clients are: companies, businessmen, health care institutions, non-profit organizations, public authorities, church and synagogue organizations, etc.... They need specialists who take transport seriously. They need a crew that's undergoing special transport med schooling. We need a familiarisation phase before our employees can go to an interview on their own.
Experience - A&D Transport Service was established in 1994. In fact, we are realizing that the emergence of non-professional transport such as Uber and Lyft is generating greater demands for our transport profession. Full insurance - we've been hearing nightmarish tales about homes that rely on unexperienced taxi and overdrivers to transport their beloved with health needs.
Make the call today to provide your sweetheart with proper care. The important thing is to hire a transport carrier with the right health coverage to meet all possible contingencies. We' re here to keep you and your beloved ones safe. Saving yourself a lot of valuable experience and start with a business that values its service fairly.
Business rebates - let your business or healthcare institution call us for specific business prices. More and more of our customers come back to us in order to receive reliable and punctual transports. Reasonable Discount for the Elderly - more and more of our customers are Elderly who are looking for a secure way to explore the city.
Convenient and convenient - we realize that you and your relatives have a great deal of distress during your health check and rehabilitations. Therefore, we only recruit people who have a powerful capacity to show their deepest sympathy to our customers. Politeness is our second name and our sufferers often thank us for our good etiquette.
If you are already focused on the stresses of your health care environment, why take needless security chances? Keeping our clients comfortable and convivial while concentrating on security. Care facilities - Apartments - Hospitals Residential - Ambulatory operating centres - Treatment centres - Be insured - we have brought our clients to and from every kind of doctor's practice and care home in the region.
Regardless of what you come home from or what you go to, we are the business that is willing to help.