Airport Bus

airfield bus

Find out when your shuttle bus to Chicago O'Hare Airport and Midway Airport is scheduled for departure and arrival. You can use the free airport shuttle bus service between terminals and car parks. Airport bus, airport shuttle bus or airport shuttle is a bus that transports people to and from or within airports. Would you like to travel from Munich Airport to the city centre and back?

Service days: 7 workingdays per week.

Servicedays: 7 day aweek. Itinerary: Route: E2 Airport offers flights from Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport in Kenner, along the Airline Drive to New Orleans. New Orleans CBD is only available on working day and will stop at all bus stations along its Tulane Avenue line to the CBD and the airport.

Bus stop of the airport is located on the second floor of the airport, near the delta switch, in the middle (see signs and bank). Please click here for a street plan of the bus stop at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport. For more information about travelling from the airport, click here to go to the Frequently Asked Questions page.

RTA busses in Tulane/Carrollton and Tulane/Loyola connect to the Airport itinerary. Please click here for a detailled E2 Airport Routes in New Orleans City. The E2 Airport Routes runs on working days until 18:52 at the junction of Tulane Avenue and Loyola Avenue (The New Orleans CBD).

At the weekend, the E2 Airport Routes only go to the Paris Line at the junction of Tulane Avenue and Carrollton Avenue in Mid-City New Orleans. Drivers will have to take a RTA road to New Orleans from this junction this weekend. Please click here to get the E2 Airport timetable in PDF-file.

Travellers must be checked in 30 min before flight time.

Travellers must be checked in 30 min before flight time. Our aim is to welcome disabled people. For devices that can take a handicapped person we need a lead time of 72 hours. Call our offices to make provisions (661) 363-5000 ext. 3. We are the only regular railcar from Bakersfield directly to your LAX and back.

In order to maximise convenience and security, we run luxurious, belated buses. For your own protection, please fasten your seat belts.

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