Compare multiple Flights

Multiple flights compare

We' re a flight planner and price comparison service. Browse multiple award charts at once Understanding how much an incentive cost with each carrier fidelity programme can help you maximise the value of your mileage. Some programs calculate thousand of mile less than others or provide a more comfortable route. Only use three character terminal code. Find out how you can earn your mileage today with the Maximizer Awards!

Please use the contact at the top of this page to fill in the three-letter IATA international code for your departure and arrival points. Maximizer compares these with the awards of 14 different airline companies and reimburses the costs of an awards tickets. Note that airline companies charge different fares for their own flights and for flights of a business associate.

There are also symbols next to each reward page to indicate Starwood Preferred Guest, Chase Ultimate and Amex Membership and Citi ThankYou reward transfers. Note that an air carrier may post an awards for a geographic area, but may not fly to the desired area.

In order to verify that a given location is serviced by regular flights, a utility such as ITA Matrix or can be useful.

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