Flying Eagle

Eagle flying

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The Foxconn brand is looking for the TV label "Flying Eagle".

For the Foxconn Technology Group, "Flying Eagle" is more than the codename they used to find a place to construct their solid panel display plant. This could be the TV market label that the plant will eventually produce in Mount Pleasant. The Foxconn has received provisional US federal go-ahead to introduce a stylised reproduction of the words "FLYING EAGLE" along with the flying eagle emblem for sale in the TV group.

According to Josh Gerben, the entry indicates that the firm is planning to use the mark for the sale of television sets. "Absolute, " said Gerben, who practiced in Washington, D.C., after looking through the marque record. When Foxconn submitted the filing, he said it had to endorse an affidavit that it intends to use the mark on television.

This does not oblige Foxconn to use the brand in this way - intent may vary - but it is sensible to assume that the company's plan is to use the brand in retail, he said. Ltd, better known as Foxconn, lodged its filing with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on June 16.

It was two and a half years after the Associated Press spread the word that Wisconsin had negotiated with Foxconn a 22 million sq ft plant in Mount Pleasant that employs tens of millions of people. Nobody rejected the request and on 26 December the Trade Mark Authority gave its provisional consent by means of a so-called letter of admission.

This notification gives Foxconn until 26 June the opportunity to start using the trade marks in trade or to request an extension until then. As soon as Foxconn shows that the sale has started under the label, the definitive authorization is given and the label entered, said Gerben. One Foxconn spokesperson did not respond to the direct question of whether the company is planning to market television sets in the USA under the "Flying Eagle" name.

"Foxconn has requested a US brand for Flying Eagle," the spokesperson said in an email sent by the spokesperson. That' s happening as we move forward with our blueprints for the progressive displays production Campus we are constructing in Wisconsin and the 8K+5G eco-system we are creating in the United States.

8K " means the high-resolution displays that Foxconn intends to construct and "5G" means ultra-fast network devices that will be introduced in the near-term. Mr Gerben said it was possible - but less likely - for Foxconn to use the Flying Eagle mark on parts used in televisions marketed by another entity under that entity's name.

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