How old is Sale Johnson
So how old is the Johnson sale?Gulf Wars: Rashad-Johnson Splits gets nasty.
former NFL actor Ahmad Rashad and his unloved woman, Sell Johnson - the marvelously rich ex of jet businessman Woody Johnson - are at large contest section their choice court game organization as they carve out their disagreeable separation. Since Frenchman's Creek is a resident only venue, Rashad Sale was able to stop the game from being played there.
Sale, who got an estimate of $100 million when she divorced Woody, is now trying to outwit Rashdad by purchasing her own place at Frenchman's Creek just so she can get into the game. While they were wedded, they used Rashad's home at Frenchman's Creek to accommodate personnel, but they still both had a club affiliation.
"Sale is an enthusiastic amateur and enjoys golfing with her boyfriends at Frenchman's Creek. Although it's directly opposite the Bear Club, she's looking for her own home on Frenchman's Creek, not to spend her life, but to go golfing." Frenchman's Creek houses cost between $500,000 and more than $5 million.
In January, we uncovered that Sale and Rashad, who married in 2007, parted after fighting for his boyfriend and spending numerous evenings with Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan. Following the deaths of Sale's daugther Casey in 2010, they adopted Casey's daugther Ava. Florida reporter Jose Lambiet said Rashad dropped 6-year-old Ava's legal rights after the sale had filed a petition for exclusive rights of attorney.
Sale had Rashad's Bear's Club card disabled two months ago. Sale's lawyer hasn't contacted us.
Anhmad Rashad and ex-sillionaire
Sports artist Ahmed Rashdad and his alienated Mrs. Sale Johnson have formally ended their marriages, which was announced today. He took dramatic steps to keep away Rashdad, as well as setting security forces. Golfsuperstar Tiger Woods, who himself had some marital problems, also lived near by. Gossip Extra was reported by one source: "Ahmad has sold off all the member club members and disabled the trailer that brings him through the bear club watch door.
Post reports that the house is under Johnson's name. Marrying Mrs. Johnson in 2007 was the forth of Rashdad. According to one gossip extra sources, Johnson is covered by a prenup that prevents her from giving Johnson a right to a dictum once the divorce is over.