Round the World Flights from Melbourne

Around the world flights from Melbourne

Search no further than our premium multi-stop and round-the-world flights. From Melbourne to go around the world Set off on your round-the-world cruise by taking off from one of Australia's most fashionable and beloved cities, Melbourne. From Melbourne, Student Flights flies to a variety of favourite touristic destinations around the world, such as North America, Asia, Europe and Africa. Pick up a design cup of espresso, lounge on a few alleys before your plane leaves and fly from the Melbourne launch ramp on student flights to your selected worldwide vacation spot. Please drop us a line and we'll get back to you any time!

You wanna talk? At any time you can talk to us Mon-Fri between 9:00 and 20:00 and Sat-Sun between 10:00 and 17:00 - We are here to respond to any questions you may have. You can also make a booking via our online booking service if you don't want to make it!

Enter your postcode and we can route the call from the closest branch. Allow us to inform you about a great circumnavigation of the world!

Only two stops left now

Now you can go around the world with only two stops.... These are just a few of the two milestones. European examples: Samples from North America: Samples from Asia: Australia examples: Customize these routes to your needs or create your own trip using our online booking tool.

On your way, our tools will help you make sure that your journey complies with the Round the World Tariff (RTW) regulations. Overall prices depend on route, kilometres, itinerary, tour category and currency fluctuation. A lower tour category can be booked for a single sector(s) if there is no available in the chosen category.

Reserved with a $125 change charge and a $150 reversal charge. The General Business Conditions - Travels in compliance with the valid transport contracts shall be valid.

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