What is a Charter number

Which is a charter number?

Our customers often ask us for their company number. Requests must include the name of the company, its charter number and a return address. The Louisiana Secretary of State's charter number is a unique alphanumeric identifier assigned to each unit upon filing with that office.

Difference between a tax identification number and a company number

Our clients often ask us for their company number. You may fill in requests or fiscal documentation and sometimes mistake them for the fiscal identification number. Today we are explaining the distinction between a company number and a fiscal identification number. Company number is the number that the Secretary of State allocates to each new unit, whether it is a company or an LLC, when the bylaws of the company or organisation are authorized.

As soon as this happens, the founder or a legal agent of the business can request the IRS to obtain a fiscal identification number that is required for opening banking books etc. Our founders are informed that the taxpayer's number is the company's social security number.

Control IDSs have a two-digit number, followed by another seven-digit number (e.g. 46-1234567). The California Corporation has a seven-digit company number that usually follows the character "C," such as 10123456, while the LLC has a twelve-digit company number that begins with the four numbers of the year of formation, such as 201400123456.

The image shows two company number samples, one for a California Corporation (left) and one for a California LLC (right).

An AMC request asks for a Charter Number. Where can I find it?

An AMC request asks for a Charter Number. Where can I find it? If the AMC is incorporated with a state, whether Florida or any other state, it has been allocated a charter number by the Division of Corporations or a similar authority of that state. Where the AMC is a non-governmental (foreign) entity, the charter number of the State from which the entity originates must be used.

When the AMC is a Florida (domestic) company, the charter number is the document number issued by the Florida Division of Corporations.

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