Uber in the Sky

Over in the sky

For the future is only a highway in the sky over a highway on the ground. The " sky port " concept of uber aer are sci-fi taxis from the near world. apparently it won't. at the second year' eleventh edition of the uber Hydra Congress, the ride-hailing firm presented six Skype port architectural office concepts that take a look at our science fiction fantasy aviation futures.

uber hover' by hobphreys & partner, above (pictured), is based on the shape of a hive for his überair sky port, which models itself according to the flying pattern of an insect to and from the center turnstile. While accommodating 900 occupants per floor, it uses sustainably managed material per metre per hour creating a self-propelled eco-system. It is also inspiring the hive of the above illustrated basin group, which is versatile and scaleable to accommodate 150 take-offs and landings per metre per metre and can be scale up to 1,000 per metre per metre.

the sky tower by clickard architect son Chantel and acup consists of a set of vertical and horizontal modular elements that can be combined according to the urban environment. each turret can land and take off 180 times per lesson and 1,800 top class users per lesson per modular. as anticipated, these designers have integrated design that is suitable for the concept of a "flying car", no mater how unauto-like the ultimate prototypes look.

Corgans "connect" is a mega-skyport approach that builds a networking beyond traditional motorway systems. glannett flemings designs include a number of land based platform forms that explain its name - "the paw". The harbor will support 52 electrical vertically powered take-off and landers per unit per hour per modul in a scaleable frame that could enable more than 600 arrives and 4,000 passengers per unit per hour by 2028.

Finally, BOKA powell's "skyport prototype" offers landing stages at different altitudes over different stages. the suggested ski sports are a reaction to uber's development contest, which outlined the demands, among them the transportation of more than 4,000 passangers per hours on a 3 hectare area. as well as other acoustic and ambient factors, the need to make sure that electrically operated aircraft can be charged again between rides with minimum impacts on the enviroment was also a demand.

Commenting on the announcement, John Badalamenti, director of designs for advance programmes and aeronautics at überair, said that while ueberair may seem like a distant vision, it's nearer than you think, and the city' s infrastructures must now develop to keep pace," and called on architect (s) with whom uber has also partnered to support the development of sky ports. published last autumn about the first ever Überair experiences videotape.

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