Go round the World Pass

Walk around the World Pass

Making changes as you go. That means you pay the passport in advance and book all your flights before your trip. Frequently asked questions about the circumnavigation of the World Pass

During the trip, travellers must make at least 3 and up to 15 stop points. Go Round the World Pass is available for one year from the date of issuance. The trip must begin and end in the same state. Go Round the World Pass can be obtained in the First, Business and Economy Class.

Seatless infants will be billed at 10% of the ticket price and seated infants at 75% of the ticket price. Guided 2-11 year olds are billed 75% of the ticket price. Unsupported 2-11 year olds are not allowed to use the Go Round the World Pass.

An intermediate stop is when a traveller stays in a particular town for more than 24 hrs before proceeding on their itinerary. With the Go Round The World Pass, at least 2 and up to 15 stops are allowed. Transfers occur when a traveller crosses a town ( e.g. to establish a air connection) and resumes his trip within 24hrs.

Per town up to two transfer are possible. You are free to do so if you decide to use a non-aviation means for a part of your itinerary. Kilometres between the two towns where you started and finished your surfacing sectors will be taken into account when calculating your Go Round the World Pass rate.

www. world passport.ch

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That journey must be a journey in the same sense, east or west. Valid only for departures made by SkyTeam? carriers. The journey must begin and end in the same state. There must be a minimum of three intermediate stops, of which a total of 15 may be made during any one journey, with a total of five per continental route.

In the sense of SkyTeam Go Round the World Passes, a Go Round the World Passes means any point on the route where a passenger wishes to stay for more than 24 consecutive working days before travelling on. Starting and finishing destinations shall not be regarded as intermediate stops. Services between intermediate stops must be planned for either immediate or immediate links.

Travelling can begin in any town in the world, as long as the journey is carried out by an air carrier on SkyTeam? The passport is for the following itineraries: - The passport is for the following areas: At each stop, customers may stay as long as they wish, provided that the ticket is still in force. You must book all your services in the same class:

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