Taxi fare from Central to Airport

Tariff for taxi from the centre to the airport

Pickup and destination are required to complete the route estimation. Simply enter the start and end addresses to calculate taxi costs in Amsterdam. Shuttle airport, luxury transport, taxis, car service, buses and more!

Taxi fares free of charge for taxi rides in Sydney

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Transportation Department - Taxi Tariff for Hong Kong

The extra fare from Ma Wan to Lantau/Chek Lap Kok or from Lantau/Chek Lap Kok to Ma Wan is $60. Information for passengers: 1. Surcharge for luggage: Generally, a surcharge may be imposed on luggage: any luggage with overall measurements (length + width + height) greater than 140 cm transported in the cabin.

Pushchairs are also obliged to foot the supplement for luggage in accordance with the above mentioned regulations. Chairs and crooks carrying handicapped persons are free of cost. Ticket receipt: Taxi's are equipped with a printer for taxis. Customers may ask for a machine-printed fare voucher. The refusal of taxi driver to give a passenger a voucher upon demand without a valid apology is a criminal act.

Should the voucher printer not work, the taxi operator should write a handwritten voucher. Changing fare: There is no penalty if a taxi rider cannot give money for HK$500 or HK$1,000 banknotes.

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